
Tagged “100DaysToOffload”

  • May 2024

  • My Brain Is Full To Bursting

  • My First Impressions of Wolf 359

  • Reading Slower Than A Snail

    My reading has been very slow lately, here's a quick rundown.

  • I Made My Own Client (Kinda)

  • Status: Untraced - Review Thus Far

  • April 2024

    April 2024 had a lot of ups, here's my review on the month.

  • My Random Brain Farts

  • Polymaths Hellthread - Fun Notifications

    I explore the landscape of hellthreads on the Fediverse.

  • 51 - A Race Against Time - Episode 1

  • 50 - My ISP's Tech Support Sucks

    I had to call my ISP's support line, and no surprise it sucked.

  • 49 - I Want To Learn Windows Better

    As my primary desktop OS is sadly Windows, I want to learn more about it and how to utilise all features to there full potential.

  • 48 - I'm Using Light Theme For A Month

    I'm embarking on a challenge to use just light theme for a month.

  • 47 - Testing Thorium Out

    I tested the Thorium browser out and I quite enjoyed it.

  • 46 - GlazeWM - First Touch

  • 45 - iOS Features That Are Good

    iOS has some bad stuff in it but there is some good amongst the bad.

  • 44 - Back To 11ty?

    I'm moving back to my 11ty site.

  • 43 - XMPP Is Better Than Matrix?

    I tried XMPP today, here is my thoughts.

  • 42 - Bunny Day or The Day Of Christs Resurection

    Yesterday was Bunny Day, and so I share my views on the holiday.

  • 41 - I'm Giving Hugo A Go

    I explain why I'm giving Hugo a go as an option for my website.

  • 40 - Join The Light Side

  • 39 - The Journey of the Space Dinosaur

  • 38 - My New Found Love Of Liveries

    I recently started making a load of liveries for FlightGear, here's why and how.

  • 37 - Fancy New Name For My Blog?

    I have always wanted a fancy name for my blog, now's the time to consider the options.

  • 36 - Read More, Social Less

    I am too "addicted" to checking Fedi, I want and need to read more.

  • 35 - Automating My Blog

    Making my life easier is as simple as shebang, script, run.

  • 34 - Chromium Needs To Be On iOS

    I ramble about me wanting Chromium on iOS.

  • 33 - Alex Rider Eagle Strike - Book Review - 5/2/24

  • 32 - Alex Rider Eagle Strike - Book Review - 4/2/24

  • 31 - Alex Rider Eagle Strike - Book Review - 3/2/24

  • 29 - I'm Removing My Site Themes

    I have been having an existential crisis on which SSG to use.

  • 28 - I'm Rebuilding My Blog

  • 27 - Ravens Gate - Book Review - 24/1/24

  • 26 - Matrix has a nice community, but is it too small?

    Matrix is great but is it too small.

  • 25 - The Weather Is Bad

    Rambling about the weather in the UK.

  • 24 - All Cars Have Subscriptions

    A random thought about cars and subscription services.

  • 23 - I Switched To Dvorak

    QWERTY isn't the only option out there.

  • 22 - I'm Going Back To Lunar Voyager

    I started writing a novel called Lunar Voyager for NaNoWriMo, and now I'm coming back to writing it.

  • 21 - I Gave Up On "Normal" Social Media

    An in depth review of GoToSocial, the lightweight and fast Fediverse software written in Go.

  • 20 - This Site Is Powered By 11ty

    11ty is a simple and user friendly static site generator - which powers this site.

  • 19 - Why I Use iPhone Over More Open Alternatives

    I use iPhone despite advocating for FOSS software, here's why.

  • 18 - RSS Is The Past, Present And Future

  • 17 - Site Plans - Changes & Ideas

  • 16 - Running Out Of Steam For NaNoWriMo 2023

  • 15 - Aliens Are Amongst Us!!!

  • 14 - A Fresh Start For My Laptop

  • 13 - I'm Having Random Thoughts All The Time

  • 12 - Be Kind Online

  • 11 - NaNoWriMo - What Is It? Am I Doing It?

  • 10 - Christmas But Early

  • 9 - Robinsons R44 Raven in Flightgear

  • 8 - Sopwith Camel in Flightgear

  • 7 - Spoopy Season

  • 3 - My Brain Is A Messy Desk

    My brain is a complete mess, here's how I easily explain it.

  • 2 I Setup RSS

  • 1 - Mad Ramblings of Your Local Martian

    I wanted to get a good headstart to 100DaysToOffload but all that came to me was random thoughts of little importance.

  • See all tags.