Orbital Station

My YouTube Silence

I had a period where I was uploading to my YouTube channel every weekend, sometimes a couple of times a weekend. I was always planning ahead. However, I last uploaded 2 months ago, with no plans to record any new videos as that time went on.

The reason for this has been that I don't want to right now. I love recording my videos to share what I love with others who (I hope) love it too. I have been taking an on and off break from all social media for the last few weeks, and my brain is starting to finally relax and chill the hell out. I hope to get back into making videos, but I’m also not promising a professional video production line. If/when I return from my little YouTube hiatus (I guess you could call it), I hope to try and do one video a week, maybe record a couple so I can always take a week off if I feel like it.

And that’s another blost for the day. A real productive one today for my blog writing (or blosting). Have a good one folks!