Orbital Station

Reading Doubt

Since 17th November 2024, I have been reading The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Rings. As of this morning, I am only on page 88 out of 407 pages; yes, very slow reading. I have always struggled with reading, even though I enjoy it. I put it down to dyslexia. I haven’t got a formal diagnosis, but when I started secondary school (high school for those Americans/American sympathisers), I was recognised for having dyslexic traits.

Having taken so long to read this far in LOTR I have been feeling a bit down, I feel like my pile of to-read books is so large (it’s now across 4 piles) is looming over me, I just want to get it finished. With this, I have tried pausing my reading of LOTR and starting another book to finish some of them, but every time I do this, I can never get into the new book because my mind is still on TOLR. I might see if there is some kind of challenge I can create for my reading (a readathon of sorts), to encourage me to read more, in order to get this book read.

This morning, in fact, I read for just over an hour, and in that time, I wanted to change book. I did and within 5 min I went back to The Lord Of The Rings.

I know this blost has just been me rambling about my own shortcomings, but I felt like sharing my experiences so that’s what I’ve done. Have a good one and I’ll see you in the next one.