Orbital Station

I Want And Need To Write More

I have recently been neglecting my blog and my writing. It's been about a week since my last blost with no real progress on any of the drafts that I've started over the last few weeks/months. I want to focus on my blosts being longer, but I also want to write more each week. I am hoping to manage my time well enough that I can do a weekly blost (maybe weeknotes kinda thing). Creating some sort of series of short but meaningful posts to keep me motivated.

I also want to get back into my fiction writing, namely with my short story series, A Race Aganist Time, which I'm hoping to eventually merge into this site to keep everything in one place to ease my workflow to work across blosts and fiction.

This blost is just some ramblings about my plans for this site, I have an issue open with blog post ideas that I want to do, but each day I don't tick one off, another one gets added to the list.

Things are swirling in my head and I have ideas of things that I want to work on, but I need to actually do these, I think some planning will be needed, and I will work on this in the background whilst also writing blosts on mass. Things might change, I might have a load more content, might have some crappy stuff that I wanted to do but not got enough time to flesh out.

I'm looking to go back to my Linux roots and use a tiling window manager, creating some Bash scripts to streamline my workflow including my planning and writing. I am also thinking of archiving BashCMS (in my head, temporarily) to allow me to focus on my streamlining. I'm going to make some changes, and we'll see how it goes.

Have a good one folks, let me know what window manager/desktop environment you are using in the comments below.


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